Sunday 28 August 2016

250 Word on Edward De Bono / 5 lateral thinking puzzles / Picture of the week

250 Words On Edward De Bono

Edward De Bono is a Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor and consultant. He also studied in St. Edward's College then he later gained a medical degree from the University of Malta. he proceeded as a Rhodes Scholar to Christ Church, Oxford, where he gained an MA in psychology and physiology He also written 57 books with translations into 34 languages. Edward De Bono is born in Malta in 19 May 1933. He came out with the word lateral thinking in the 1967. Schools from over 20 countries have included Edward De Bono's thinking tools into their curriculum and he has also taught his thinking methods to government agencies, corporate clients, organizations and individuals, privately or publicly in group sessions.He was one of the 27 Ambassadors for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009. Edward De Bono also holds the Da Vinci Professor of Thinking chair at University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, USA. In 1995, he created the futuristic documentary film, 2040: Possibilities by Edward De Bono, depicting a lecture to an audience of viewers released from a cryogenic freeze for contemporary society in the year 2040.

5 Lateral Thinking puzzles



Picture Of The Week

For the picture of the week is about Annie the musical. It was a really nice musical but its slightly different from the movie that was publish in the 2014. As i never seen the movie which was publish in the 1982 before, i think that the musical might have followed the first movie publish like every musical because its like first and original.The story line for this play was great it has some comedy scenes and there were also the sad parts. As for me i would not want to watch it again because i find it kind of boring at some parts of the show. 

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