Sunday 2 October 2016

Photo of the Week / Empathy

Photo Of The Week

Got an approve for this picture for 2D Fundamentals. Can't wait to put it some colors and bring it to life. The theme is call Tree Of Life, where we have to draw a picture that its is unrealistic and coming out a good typography. So i came out of an idea of a picture of a hand holding an apple. I had fun drawing this picture.


What is Empathy?

- Feeling for someone
-Being in someone's shoes
-Understanding what the person is feeling

How do i feel about today's class?

For me, i find it ok. And we should more empathy then sympathy to others.

Photo Of The Week / What do you think / feel of having the power of grading our classmates?

Photo Of The Week

This photo was taken when i was out with my friends for dinner. This image show the sun setting as it becomes darker by every minute. I had fun going out having dinner with my friends once in awhile. Knowing they are doing well, but sadly on that day there were only 4 of us as our other friend wasn't able to make it because she was on a Hong Kong exchanged program. Hope she faster come back so we could go and have dinner altogether again.

What do you think / feel of having the power of grading our classmates?

I think that it is good and bad it in. The good part is that it was fun having the chance of grading them and helping them improve on what they should improve on. And the bad part is that, it feels bad to give a low mark as you feel like your hurting them.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Picture Of The Week / Battle Royale Movie Review

Picture of the week

This picture was taken the other day when i when out to meet with some old school friends. It's taken during the night when we went there for dessert at Holland Village before heading home. It was a really fun day as i haven't seen them for a very long time, it was a good catching up. The dessert place is a really good place as it is very peaceful and quite because it think it was also very late that's why theres hardly anyone.

Movie Review: Battle Royale

42 9th graders were sent to a deserted island. The main male lead Shuya Nanahara before he was sent to the deserted island with his other classmates he had to cope with his father's death. After reaching the island. They met with their former teacher Kitano who resign after being impulsively attacked by a student. Kitano then explain to them why they were chosen in the annual Battle Royale. A cheerful orientation video instructs the class they have three days to kill each other until only one remains. A explosive collar is fitted around their neck and if they break a rule, the collar explodes. After that they were each given a bag pack which has a map, food, and different various weapons that they can't choose. In the end the 3rd daywhich was the final day  Mimura, Yutaka Seto and Keita Iijima, infiltrate the military's computer system, but Kiriyama finds  and kills them Kawada, aware of the collar's internal microphones, and takes Shuya and Noriko aside and fakes their deaths. Kitano confesses that he always thought of Noriko as a daughter and asks her to kill him, but Shuya shoots Kitano after he threatens Noriko with a gun. Shuya, Noriko and Kawada leave the island on a boat, but Kawada dies from injuries sustained in his gunfight with Kiriyama – "glad" that in the end, he "found true friends.

How i feel?
I feel that this is a really nice movie and its something like the hunger games where you have kill everyone and  theres only one survivor.

What if we are in this situation ?
I think if we were in this situation i would just run and hope not to die.

Who will survive?
I think that Galen would survive.

Who will die first?
I think i would be the first one to die.

who will backstab ?
I think everyone who would want to survive they might just backstab you.

Sunday 28 August 2016

250 Word on Edward De Bono / 5 lateral thinking puzzles / Picture of the week

250 Words On Edward De Bono

Edward De Bono is a Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor and consultant. He also studied in St. Edward's College then he later gained a medical degree from the University of Malta. he proceeded as a Rhodes Scholar to Christ Church, Oxford, where he gained an MA in psychology and physiology He also written 57 books with translations into 34 languages. Edward De Bono is born in Malta in 19 May 1933. He came out with the word lateral thinking in the 1967. Schools from over 20 countries have included Edward De Bono's thinking tools into their curriculum and he has also taught his thinking methods to government agencies, corporate clients, organizations and individuals, privately or publicly in group sessions.He was one of the 27 Ambassadors for the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009. Edward De Bono also holds the Da Vinci Professor of Thinking chair at University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, USA. In 1995, he created the futuristic documentary film, 2040: Possibilities by Edward De Bono, depicting a lecture to an audience of viewers released from a cryogenic freeze for contemporary society in the year 2040.

5 Lateral Thinking puzzles



Picture Of The Week

For the picture of the week is about Annie the musical. It was a really nice musical but its slightly different from the movie that was publish in the 2014. As i never seen the movie which was publish in the 1982 before, i think that the musical might have followed the first movie publish like every musical because its like first and original.The story line for this play was great it has some comedy scenes and there were also the sad parts. As for me i would not want to watch it again because i find it kind of boring at some parts of the show. 

Sunday 21 August 2016

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is the way of how the brain thinks, it thinks of a way of coming out of a topic then breaking up the main topic into many different routes like a tree with brunches, and then this brunches comes out with even more ideas that u would have never think of. The functions of a mind map is that u have to have a summary, presentation, record all spontaneous thoughts and keep on adding more ideas. We also should use the 10x2 way for the mind map which it helps us on coming out on better ideas. We have to observe, describe, question and investigate to come out with the best answer. And we must know how to get you ideas to spread out, we can use tv commercials, the internet using ads then you sell the products and using the profit being made and use to to make more ads. And we find more answer when we question ourself.

10x2 Answers & Questions

This is the picture that we had to do the mind map on using the 10x2

10 Answers

1) Nature
2) Animal
3) Music
4) Green
5) Instruments
6) Blue cloudy Sky
7) River
8) Paino
9) Plants
10) Trees

10 Questions

1) Nature
Why does it have a nature look?

2) Animal
Why are there animals in this picture, what does it do?

3) Music
Why is music being involve what are they trying to tell people?

4) Green
Why does it have to be Green, why can't it be in another color?

5) Instruments
Why are there instruments, what are they trying to sell?

6) Blue Cloudy Sky
Why is there a sky what is the purpose of it?

Why do they have to put a river what are they trying to tell the viewers?

8) Paino
Why did they choose the piano to be in this picture, why can't they use other kind of instruments?

9) Plants
Why does there have to be plants in this picture, does it help make this picture look more like a jungle?

10) Trees
Why must there be trees does it complete the nature look?